2021 Show on December 4th…

The Show is continuing having guests that take their time to be with us via Zoom during this very busy and changing time. These guests include sponsors or partners of the Series and Series officials. These are people that make everything happen. To watch Autosportradio programs simply go to and click just below the screen on the right or log onto and put autosportradio show in the search box at the top and all shows will be there.


  Mark Sibla                                                                        IndyCar Chief of Staff 


Strategically minded executive with a history of success in major event and league operations, management and revenue generation. Extensive knowledge and capabilities in business planning, project management, organizational development and revenue generation

Jul 2016 – Present 5 years 5 months

Indianapolis, Indiana Area

Work directly with the President of INDYCAR, focusing on operation of the business units within the premier level of open-wheel racing in North America. Liaise with all INDYCAR business units to ensure operational efficiency and communication. Special emphasis placed on organizational finances, talent acquisition, supplier and partner relationships as well as external interaction with government agencies and the State of Indiana. Focus on commercial aspects of key engineering projects…